Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum lobortis nisi non iaculis suscipit. Nulla magna massa, cursus vel bibendum quis, laoreet sed ante. Mauris eros tortor, bibendum nec nunc ut, hendrerit iaculis metus. Nam molestie malesuada diam, id sodales sem tempor a. Nam placerat turpis sit amet justo maximus condimentum nec non urna. Curabitur tristique varius imperdiet. Cras vel consectetur turpis. Morbi facilisis ex a felis lacinia facilisis. Nullam eleifend semper bibendum.

Curabitur pharetra mauris elit, vitae accumsan nisl porttitor sit amet. Nulla eu nisl et ipsum imperdiet euismod. Sed sit amet iaculis elit. Integer feugiat varius nibh non blandit. Cras ipsum lectus, sagittis et elementum in, ultricies a mauris. Sed pellentesque ante non mauris cursus pulvinar. Sed lacus metus, luctus pellentesque justo nec, dapibus semper dolor. Morbi pulvinar augue sed justo rutrum pellentesque. Morbi sit amet rutrum felis. Praesent metus urna, hendrerit id vehicula id, molestie at neque. Donec porta ante eu orci malesuada, a feugiat orci faucibus. Nullam volutpat elit sit amet posuere sagittis. Nulla accumsan velit neque, bibendum placerat libero bibendum eu. Vestibulum tincidunt ipsum ac purus tincidunt, eu semper ipsum egestas. In molestie lorem ac blandit consequat.

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum lobortis nisi non iaculis suscipit. Nulla magna massa, cursus vel bibendum quis, laoreet sed ante. Mauris eros tortor, bibendum nec nunc ut, hendrerit iaculis metus."


Our goal is a safe, healthy and funfilled workforce.

our business

Highly engineered and environmentally-safe landfills have been designated for non-recyclable waste materials and utilize stateof-the-art, eco-friendly controls including: load screening, inspection, leachate collection systems, groundwater monitoring, and geosynthetic clay and synthetic liner systems. Our facilities are designed, operated and maintained to meet and exceed local, state, and federal regulations.

what we believe

HAMM Companies manages waste transfer stations that provide convenient, cost-effective, and sustainable access to waste disposal services. Many locations allow materials to be readied for processing and reuse. HAMM transfer facilities allow us to partner with communities to provide economic solutions that positively impact the environment.

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  • HAMM Waste Services Photo 1

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Safety is our #1 priority

Our full-time safety manager makes sure we comply with federal, state, MSHA, OSHA rules and regulations, while keeping our employees up-to-date on training. We pride ourselves in creating a culture that eliminates workplace accidents and injuries, ensuring everyone goes home safe at night.


Highly engineered and environmentally-safe landfills have been designated for non-recyclable waste materials and utilize stateof-the-art, eco-friendly controls including: load screening, inspection, leachate collection systems, groundwater monitoring, and geosynthetic clay and synthetic liner systems. Our facilities are designed, operated and maintained to meet and exceed local, state, and federal regulations.


HAMM Companies manages waste transfer stations that provide convenient, cost-effective, and sustainable access to waste disposal services. Many locations allow materials to be readied for processing and reuse. HAMM transfer facilities allow us to partner with communities to provide economic solutions that positively impact the environment.


Whether for commercial or personal use, HAMM Companies offers roll off trucking and large dumpster services. Easy ordering and scheduling is available by calling our Perry home office.

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The HAMM Material Recovery Facility (MRF) in Lawrence, Kansas is a state-of-the-art system designed to process 10 tons of single stream recycling material per hour. The equipment selection, platforms, and layout provide maximum operating efficiency, but most importantly include safety by design at every step.


The HAMM Material Recovery Facility (MRF) in Lawrence, Kansas is a state-of-the-art system designed to process 10 tons of single stream recycling material per hour. The equipment selection, platforms, and layout provide maximum operating efficiency, but most importantly include safety by design at every step.


The HAMM Material Recovery Facility (MRF) in Lawrence, Kansas is a state-of-the-art system designed to process 10 tons of single stream recycling material per hour. The equipment selection, platforms, and layout provide maximum operating efficiency, but most importantly include safety by design at every step.


    Nobis inceptos consectetuer occaecat error. Occaecati diamlorem voluptas, auctor quam, per aute.